Sphero sports EFDN promo

4 June 2024

Sphero sports EFDN promo

Eduwinkel, as a proud sponsor of the EFDN STEM Network, is happy to share this special offer to the wonderful world of STEM!

Sphero Sports will enable sports foundations to become STEM leaders within their community. Not only will Sphero Sports get students excited about STEM Education but it will also proactively support educators and soccer foundation staff to become comfortable in learning and teaching these critical skills. It is built for Sports Foundations, Schools & CSR Driven Organizations to teach STEM education.

Our Sphero Sports coding bundle is an all-in-one solution and the perfect way to get students excited about STEM learning through a sport they already know and love, as well as providing Sports Foundations and educators with the perfect start in teaching STEM Education.

What’s in the package?

  • 1 x BOLT Power Pack (includes 15 Sphero BOLT Robots)
  • 3x Premium Bespoke Football Code Mats (with your logo)
  • 20+ Football Coding Activities within the Sphero EDU app
  • Virtual Training Session: Getting Started with Sphero Sports

Find here the special EFDN summer offer!